Should I use a dream dictionary? archetypes dream dictionary dreams dreamwork free association jung processwork Oct 05, 2023

The allure is strong: you have a mystifying nighttime dream and then you open a magic book that de-codes the symbols and, voila, the meaning of your dream is revealed.  Nice and clean. Cut and dry. Easy peasy. Too bad it doesn’t work like that…

Do I use dream dictionaries?...

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What does it mean when I dream about people I know? dreamland dreammaker dreams dreamwork friendship healing pregnant process processwork relationship Sep 26, 2023

I dreamt vividly that a friend was pregnant. I knew this friend definitely wasn’t intending to be pregnant, yet the dream was as real as day. I saw her that same evening in waking life and heard the words, “I have news!” come out of her mouth in a way that made my eyes open...

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How to catch and remember your dreams beta brainwaves dream journal dreams dreamwork processwork theta Sep 20, 2023

Each morning, I wake up bleary-eyed, barely conscious, still halfway in Dreamland, and I grab my dream journal. I scribble down whatever I can catch from my dreams before they dissolve back into the ether. I’ve been doing this for nearly thirty years and I can’t imagine it any other...

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Why I don't teach lucid dreaming (at least, not yet) control dreams dreamwork enlightenment lucid dreaming nightmares power processwork skills spiritual practice Sep 20, 2023

“Are we going to learn about lucid dreaming in this class?” as student asks at the start of a dreamwork series.

This question often arises from new students in the first or second session of my dreamwork classes, regardless of the theme of the class. When I give my answer, I see a mix...

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Are Dreams Real? colonizer culture dreams dreamwork internalized oppression modernity processwork reality Sep 18, 2023

“How can I trust that this is really real?” asked a student in one of my dreamwork classes.

A few days later, a private client said to me, “I don’t believe in my own reality."

Do either of these sound familiar?

If they do, you’re far from alone, but before we unpack...

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Should I tell people my dreams? collective dreaming collective unconscious dreaming dreams dreamwork share dreams social change Sep 18, 2023

In my advanced dream workshops, students are invited to share their dreams with the group.

Sometimes I work on a dream with the student in real time so that they and the group can learn from this practice together.

Sometimes students help each other work on their dreams.

Sometimes people,...

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Affirmations alone can’t shift your reality, but here’s what can… abundance affirmations dreaming dreamwork manifestation primary process processwork secondary process subconscious yoga nidra Dec 08, 2021

I am a strong, smart, powerful woman. I create my own reality and that reality is abundant, nurturing, and fun

…that is, until I encounter a life situation where I feel powerless, dumb, deficient, or frustrated!

Have you ever tried to use affirmations to shift your reality, only...

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